Cara Simpel Membuat Sedap Sponge cake

Sponge cake. A Victoria Sponge was the favorite sponge cake of Queen Victoria, and has since become a tried-and-true recipe for tea-time sponge cakes. Victoria Sponges are generally filled with jam, and are undecorated on the top, but you can serve each piece with a dollop of whipped cream, or shake some powdered sugar over the top if you'd like. Sponge cake is the perfect canvas for fruits, glazes and creams.

Sponge cake Sponge cakes, leavened with beaten eggs, originated during the Renaissance, possibly in Spain. The sponge cake is thought to be one of the first of the non-yeasted cakes, and the earliest attested sponge cake recipe in English is found in a book by the English poet Gervase Markham, The English. Sift flour and salt; set aside. Ibu Bisa membuat Sponge cake dengan 6 resep dan 4 tutorialnya. secara singkat beginilah proses membuatnya.

Ingredients of Sponge cake

  1. Inilah 5 butir dari telur.
  2. Kamu perlu 125 gr dari tepung terigu.
  3. Inilah 25 gr dari susu bubuk.
  4. Siapkanlah 15 gr dari emulsifier / sp.
  5. Kamu perlu 1 sdt dari vanili.
  6. Kamu perlu 90 gr dari margarin (cairkan).

In a large bowl, beat yolks until slightly thickened. The perfect party cake, a Victoria sponge is a traditional bake everyone will love. Crack the eggs in one at a time and whisk well, scraping down the sides of the bowl after each addition. Add the lemon zest, vanilla, flour, milk and a pinch of salt.

Sponge cake instruksinya

  1. Mix gula+telur+emulsifier selama 15 menit, matikan mixer.
  2. Tambahkan campuran tepung + susu bubuk + vanili, yang sudah diayak aduk pakai spatula.
  3. Tambahkan margarin cair aduk balik.
  4. Tuang ke loyang (aku pakai 22 x 22cm) Oven selama 30 menit (aku pakai otang api sedang).

This sponge cake should not be dense. I would highly recommend reading the tips in the recipe above for what the batter should look like. Since the cake relies on the volume of the eggs for leavening, it is critical to beat the eggs and sugar adequately in this classic sponge cake, or it will be flat and dense. Sponge cakes require some special treatment. For one, sponge cake batter waits for no one.
