Langkah Mudah Membuat Nikmat Steamed Cheese Cake Love

Steamed Cheese Cake Love. The first thing that came to mind was a Japanese steamed cheesecake. This cheesecake is also known as a souffle cheesecake, and is known to be very light, airy, and fluffy. It tastes like you're eating cheesecake clouds.

Steamed Cheese Cake Love See more ideas about Steamed cheesecake recipe, Steamed cake, Cheesecake. See more ideas about Steamed cheesecake recipe, Cheesecake, Steamed cake. Great recipe for Steamed Cream Cheese Cake With Rum Raisins. Kamu dapa menyiapkan Steamed Cheese Cake Love dengan 14 resep rahasia dan 7 tutorialnya. ikuti proses memasaknya.

Ingredients of Steamed Cheese Cake Love

  1. Inilah dari Bahan A.
  2. Siapkanlah 3 butir dari telur.
  3. Siapkanlah 100 gr dari gula pasir.
  4. Inilah 1 sdt dari sp.
  5. Siapkanlah dari Bahan B.
  6. Inilah 60 gr dari tepung terigu.
  7. Kamu perlu 40 gr dari susu bubuk full cream.
  8. Inilah 20 gr dari maizena.
  9. Inilah 1/2 sdt dari garam.
  10. Inilah dari (campur semua bahan B lalu ayak).
  11. Kamu perlu dari Bahan C.
  12. Inilah 250 gr dari cream cheese(me cream cheese homemade).
  13. Inilah 75 gr dari butter.
  14. Kamu perlu dari (kocok semua bahan C sampai lembutt).

Based on my 'Steamed Cream Cheese Cake', I made a larger steamed cake. As I am such a big fan of Rum & Raisins (Sultanas), I added them to the cake. See recipes for "Puto Pao"♥️ (Filipino steamed cakes) too. Cover the lid with a kitchen towel to prevent condensation (please don't skip!

Steamed Cheese Cake Love instruksinya

  1. Mixer bahan A sampai mengembang kental berjejak πŸ‘‡.
  2. Masukan bahan B Mixer speed paling rendah asal tercampur saja πŸ‘‡.
  3. Mixer bahan C sampai lembutt πŸ‘‡.
  4. Campur adonan cream cheese ke adonan pertama,aduk balik pakai spatula πŸ‘‡.
  5. Tuang di loyang ukuran 18 cm dasarnya alasi baking papper, hentakan lalu kukus selama 30 menit/sampai matang.tes tusuk kue untuk memastikan matang (gunakan api sedang cenderung kecil)πŸ‘‡.
  6. Alasi tutup kukusan dengan kain bersih, setelah matang langsung keluarkan dari loyang biarkan sampai suhu ruang πŸ‘‡.
  7. Hias sesuai selera πŸ˜‰.

Cover the pan with the lid and slowly bring water to a boil. Refrigerate the cheesecake until ready to serve. Serve cheesecake with a little drizzle of honey, if desired. The strength of the aroma is similar to the one in Sun Moulin, but taste wise… not as soft. The mouth feel is like a steamed pound cake.
