Cara Gampang Membuat Enak Shiny crust Brownies

Shiny crust Brownies. Thus the successful brownie's signature shiny/delicate/flaky top crust. Some bakers say the key to making brownies with shiny crust is dissolving the sugar in melted butter before adding; others call for several minutes of beating, to make sure sugar and egg are fully combined. So I devise a series of tests.

Shiny crust Brownies How to make perfect brownies with a shiny crust: Print. The only crackly top Brownies Recipe I make! Fudgy, chewy, and chocolatey brownies is an all-time family favorite dessert! Kamu bisa mengolah Shiny crust Brownies melalui 8 resep dan 6 langkah-langkahnya. kira-kira seperti ini cara memasaknya.

Ingredients of Shiny crust Brownies

  1. Siapkanlah 120 gr dari dcc (saya pakai chocochip).
  2. Siapkanlah 100 gr dari mentega.
  3. Kamu perlu 120 gr dari gula pasir.
  4. Siapkanlah 75 gr dari tepung terigu.
  5. Siapkanlah 20 gr dari coklat bubuk.
  6. Siapkanlah 2 btr dari telur.
  7. Kamu perlu dari Topping.
  8. Kamu perlu dari Kacang almond dan chocochip.

How to get a shiny crust on brownies? Whisk the sugar into the eggs first. This will help it dissolve some, and also the bonds between sugar and egg proteins is what creates the thin tissue like crust. To help this along, always use room temperature (not cold) eggs.

Shiny crust Brownies petunjuknya

  1. Panaskan mentega dan chocochip hingga lumer angkat dan sisihkan.
  2. Kocok telur dan gula sampai benar benar tercampur dan larut.
  3. Masukan terigu dan coklat bubuk yg sudah di ayak sebelum nya aduk rata dengan wiks,lalu masukan mentega dan coklat cair.
  4. Aduk sampai rata dan tidak ada yg bergerindil,olesi loyang dengan margarin tipis.
  5. Lalu tuang adonan ke dlm loyan hentak2kan dan beri toping almond dan chocochip di atas nya,lalu pangang selama 30 menit.
  6. Angkat dan keluarkan brownis dari cetakan, sajikan brownis shinycrust dengan kopi atau teh hangat.

The warmer temperature helps sugar dissolve. Q: I make brownies at home frequently, and and have noticed that some brownies bake up with a matte top that almost looks granular. Other times, I get lucky and the brownie crust looks shiny with minor cracks — much more attractive and alluring! How can I get that shiny chocolate-y top every time? I often use brownie recipes where the butter and chocolate are melted together.
