Cara Simpel Menyiapkan Sempurna Tiramisu (No Egg, No Bake)

Tiramisu (No Egg, No Bake). No raw eggs - Beaten egg whites are used in classic tiramisu recipes to add air to the custard mixture. I have not included egg whites in this recipe, but they can still be incorporated if you are not concerned about using raw eggs. Just beat four of the egg whites (use the whites leftover from the yolks) until stiff peaks form.

Tiramisu (No Egg, No Bake) This version replaces raw egg yolks with whipped cream, making it safer to eat. Today, I'll be sharing the classic recipe for Tiramisu without eggs, exactly the way my Italian mum and nonna taught me to do it! Tiramisu is a famous no-bake Italian dessert that has become very popular all over the world. Ibu Bisa memasak Tiramisu (No Egg, No Bake) melalui 7 ingredients dan 6 langkah-langkahnya. beginilah caranya memasaknya.

Ingredients of Tiramisu (No Egg, No Bake)

  1. Inilah 1 bungkus dari biskuit ladyfinger.
  2. Kamu perlu 250 gram dari keju mascarpone.
  3. Inilah 250 ml dari dairy whip cream.
  4. Kamu perlu 100 gram dari gula halus.
  5. Kamu perlu 2 sdm dari kopi instan.
  6. Siapkanlah 50 ml dari air panas.
  7. Siapkanlah Secukupnya dari coklat bubuk.

There are many varieties out there, but it is mainly made from lady or sponge fingers dipped in coffee, mascarpone or heavy cream/whipping cream, eggs and a touch of rum. It is heavenly flavourful and at its best served chilled from the fridge. The secret is whipping the egg yolks with half the sugar and the egg whites with the rest. After mixing the yolks with the soft mascarpone cheese (at room temperature), add the egg whites (whipped until they feature stiff peaks).

Tiramisu (No Egg, No Bake) cara membuatnya

  1. Biskuit ladyfinger yg saya pakai merk Vincenzovo, bisa dibeli di supermarket yg menyediakan snack import. Kalau tidak ada, ladyfinger bisa diganti dengan sponge cake..
  2. Untuk keju mascarpone, kalau bisa jangan diganti dengan cream cheese ya? Karena rasanya beda. Keju mascarpone bisa dibeli di supermarket besar. Saya pakai merk yummy..
  3. Untuk whip creamnya, saya pakai yg dairy (cair), merk Anchor. Kalau tidak ada bisa diganti dengan whip cream bubuk tapi skip gula bubuk karena whip cream bubuk sudah manis. Maaf ya bu ibu saya lupa fotoin whip cream sama keju mascarpone-nya. Bisa digoogling kok bu ibu supaya tau penampakannya 😊.
  4. Larutkan kopi instant dengan air panas, sisihkan. Kocok whip cream cair dengan gula sampai mengembang. Masukkan keju mascarpone. Kocok kembali dengan speed rendah hingga rata. Masukkan ke dalam piping bag, terserah pakai spuit atau tidak, lubangi ujungnya..
  5. Penyelesaian: siapkan loyang 10x10 (saya paki pyrex) boleh juga pakai yg bulat, diameter kurleb 15cm-an. Celup biskuit ladyfinger ke dalam larutan kopi, lalu tata dalam loyang. Semprot adonan keju di atasnya, lalu ayak rata coklat bubuk. Begitu seterusnya sampai 2-3 lapis sesuai selera..
  6. Lapisan paling atas beri adonan keju agak tebal dan beri coklat bubuk agak banyak. Simpan di kulkas min 4jam atau hingga set. Enakkk dimakan buat teman minum kopi..

Tiramisu is a classic Italian no-bake dessert made with layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and incredible mascarpone cream. The custard-like cream is excellent and contains no raw egg. This easy recipe is truly the best homemade tiramisu and always gets rave reviews. This recipe has all the fabulous taste of an authentic Tiramisu, but it's made without the raw eggs, which simplifies the process and saves on calories. There is no baking, no tempering raw eggs, just mix, layer, and refrigerate.
